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Angel number Meanings

Updated: Jan 1

the number 1 with angel wings and a purple background

Our spirit guides LOVE to communicate with us through number sequences so I wanted to give you all a simple list of the angel number meanings that way you know what to expect or pay attention to when you see them!

1/111 - new beginnings

2/222 - patience & slowing down

3/333 - creativity

4/444 - stability

5/555 - unexpected, but necessary change

6/666 - family, love, & responsibility

7/777. - intuition & spirituality

8/888 - abunance & manifestation

9/999 - completion, endings, & achievement

Theres SO many more things that are associated with each number, but again - I wanted to keep it short & sweet. Next time angel numbers are following you, you'll know exactly what the Universe is trying to communicate with you!!

And if you want to learn more about numerology, here's the link to my 29 page Numerology for Beginners e-Book:

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