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Manifesting - My Personal Tips

Updated: Jun 22

Here are a few things that I've worked on over the past few years that have made me become a beast at manifesting:

• Being grateful. I’ve noticed that when you’re genuinely grateful for what you have, the universe gives you more things to be grateful for. I’m grateful for what I currently have, and I always thank the universe for the things that I want - as if I already have them. Writing them down in my journal and speaking them out loud is how I do it. I always do it when I first wake up and anytime that I think about it throughout the day.

• Watching how I speak over my life. As far as EVERYONE, even my close friends are concerned. My life is perfect, I don’t have bad days, & everything is always falling perfectly into place for me. I got out of the habit of venting & complaining when I would have a bad day or going through something. When I was already dealing with something..then to tell a friend “omg my life is falling apart” or “I’ll never find love” or “I’m broke”, I was literally speaking more of those things into my life. Started to shift my narrative. “Girl..I’m amazing. Dealing with a little pressure lately, but pressure makes diamonds so I’m good.” This part took me years to get into the habit of doing, but has changed my life so much. I couldn’t speak negativity over my life, even if I wanted to.

• Having high standards. This came along with self-love. Old me: no self-love, settled for whatever the universe gave me. New me: very much in love with myself, knows I deserve everything I want, & I EXPECT the universe to deliver because I’m spoiled & I accept nothing less than what I asked for. This also took me years to master, so be patient with yourself. & no.. do not feel bad for wanting exactly what you asked for. It’s out there & the universe WANTS to give it to you. Have the mindset that you’re a winner & you’ll always win. Notice the people who get everything they want & you’re like “how?” We all have a similar mindset. We just expect to win.

•Detachment is closely related to the previous message. By clearly stating my desires to the universe and having faith that they will manifest, I can detach easily. Once you have mastered the concepts outlined in the previous message, detachment will come naturally to you. After that, all you need to do is continue with your daily life and wait patiently for the universe to bring your desires to fruition.

A lot of this stuff took me years to get the hang of, but once I got it down, it was life-changing. A lot of it has to do with inner work, reprogramming your mind, and making them a habit. Happy manifesting.

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1 comentário

01 de fev. de 2020

Amazing ! Thank you 🙏🏼 I am in the beginning stages and omg it can take a toll of you ! Your energy your mind ! But I tell myself one day at a time ! There is a purpose for EVERYTHING ! Not everything that is bad is bad , it’s a lesson ❤️Thank you for sharing this 😍I’m grateful for women like you

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